Time Index Technologies

The flexible framework for time-based applications.


Time Indexing

Time Indexing is the simplest way to store and retrieve any kind of time-based data.

Time Indexing presents a new way to develop time-based applications and processes. By introducing a new type of data container that can store and retrieve any kind of data, plus operations that are optimized for precision time specification, a whole new world of possibities for applications and processes opens up.

The Time Indexing system provides a flexible framework for building time-based applications and processes. This framework is superior to the current approaches to storing and retrieving data, where time is a major element, because it provides a consistent and coherent mechanism for doing flexible and precise time-based selection and processing.

Applications for time-indexing can be as diverse as audio and video selection and processing, server log file maintenance and management, financial time-series processing, sensor data storage and processing.

Time Indexing is suitable in many business sectors, including:

Audio Streaming Video Streaming
Finance Data Logging
Earth Sensing Healthcare
Telecommunications Call Centres

For more information on Time Indexing, visit the pages that describe in more detail what Time Indexing is and what Time Indexing does.

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© 2009 Time Index Technologies