Time Index Technologies

The flexible framework for time-based applications.


What Does Time Indexing Do

The technology for time-indexing provides a way of utilizing a specialized container for data that is time-ordered. The container has been designed from its inception to be optimized for for building applications that have inherently time-ordered data. The first thing defined is the set of operations on the container, the second thing defined is the set of data formats that the container can be in. Until now there has been no common data format to represent time-based data. Time Index Technologies defines that format and the core library of operations required for time-indexed applications to use that format. Time is the primary key that drives everything, it is not some secondary field buried in the data. Time-indexing brings a harmonising effect to applications that deal with time-based data.

Time-indexing has a broad range of applications in the arenas of multi-media like video and audio, for financial data applications which rely on time-series analysis, and in data visualization applications such as engineering, and control and feedback systems.

The Time Index Technologies system is unique in that it can index multi-media data such as video or audio streams and can index data such as log file entries, stock prices. It can be used in applications which rely on time-series analysis, and in data visualization applications such as engineering, and control and feedback systems. Furthermore, time-indexing allows the combination of discrete and continuous data to be utilized in the same application. Time-based cross-referencing can be done for any data set, irrespective of whether it is continuous data or discrete data.

Another unique factor is the broad range of timestamps that can be held. These range from the nanosecond level through milliseconds, days, and onto millennia. The kinds of data that can be held range from simple types, to large text items, to binary data, which also adds a level of uniqueness. Another important feature is that time-indexes can hold literally billions of items in each index, if required. As time-indexes retain every piece of data ever entered into the index, rather than updating and modifying data, the technology promote the effect of being able to peer back into the past to find out what values existed at a particular time.


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