Time Index Technologies

The flexible framework for time-based applications.

Time Indexing Products

Time Indexing has a set of products available. The foundation for all timeindexing is a base product, which is the called Time Indexing CORE. There are further products that utilise the CORE, which are domain specific applications.

Time Indexing Core

There is a base product, which is the called Time Indexing Core. It provides all the operations and functionality required to build Time Indexing applications. It allows the storage and retrieval of data, and has numerous operations for manipulating time objects in order to enable precision selection of data.

The Data Logger

The data logger utilizes the Timeindexing Core, to allow the logging of any data. Unlike traditional logging methods, the data does not have to be converted into a single line of text to be logged. The logged data can then be retrieved, using the time-based selection operations.

The Audio System

The audio system utilizes the Timeindexing Core to provide direct access to parts of an audio stream from a specific point within the stream. By having a configurable start time and duration the audio is accessed without needing to split the audio stream into many small sections.

The Video System

The video system utilizes the Timeindexing Core to provide direct access to parts of a video stream from a specific point within the stream. This system also has a configurable start time and duration so that video can be accessed without needing to split the video stream into many small sections.


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